Welcome to Transformation Genie.
Oh, great Masters thank you for releasing me from the lamp and here for your perusal I bring you a website where you can find nutrition and training programs to suit you and your goals in a one off easy to buy format.
As a busy genie a lot of my time is taken up working my magic online coaching creating great and powerful bespoke training and nutrition plans for your very need, be it weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain or a competitive athlete. With a real passion for art and creativity, working with care, a personal connection, and guidance.
If this is something you’d be interested in – email me in the contact section, and why not check out the testimonial section from previous and existing masters to help you decide.
To help you get started, I have created 3-Day Nutrition Programs Simply click and buy these easy to follow and downloadable straight on to your phone or laptop! Each one contains a simple to follow plan, with a list of foods neither bland nor boring, and you don’t have to use up one of your wishes to become a master chef!
Each program is designed according to weight / gender and specific goal.
Along with your nutritional program why not add ‘a buy now’ Training Program? Easy to follow and downloadable straight on to your phone or laptop!
I’m afraid I can’t just grant you the wish of a Perfect Body, so you are going to have to do a bit of work for it!
For your final wish – I have conjured up a unique brand of fitness clothing to motivate your training, lift your spirits to give you phenomenal cosmic powers. Where you will share a fantastic bond with #TGTEAM
More designs and styles already being created…
Aladdin’s Cave has a varied collection of images, showing an insight into a hard-working Genie’s life.
I have been fighting with my weight since childhood. As the fat kid I got bullied at school which led me to comfort eat which obviously only made things worse, especially my asthma as the weight piled on I sunk ever deeper into depression.
The stress of being obese is overwhelming, you become trapped in a vicious circle until you end up thinking ‘what’s the point’. Unless you’ve been overweight I don’t think you can truly understand nor begin to relate . It’s not always just about the food – it can be a lot deeper than that. Oh and how I hated seeing images of beautiful “Slim” women in magazines and on TV, wherever you looked there they are and i only ended up hating myself more.
“I will start my diet on Monday” I would tell myself but never did , usually using depression as an excuse. Then one day my mum asked me to go to a weight loss club with her, I agreed but only as support and encouragement for her. I got so embarrassed when my mum started losing weight and I only ever stayed the same. I just couldn’t work out why – I’d miss breakfast and only had a ‘few biscuits’ or picked at the kids left overs thinking it wouldn’t do any harm!!
Then one week there was a motivational talk about exercise and how we should treat the ‘diet’ as learning to ‘eat healthy’. This really triggered something in me, and I started to take a real interest! I finally began eating cleaner that week and I lost a pound ..but mum lost three! This really pissed me off but for the first time I DID NOT GIVE UP! In fact it awoke something in me – a competitive spark and i began walking literally EVERYWHERE.
Over the next few check-ins I would lose between 1-2lbs and my mum would be losing between 3-5lbs. At this point I just kept telling myself “If she can do it – so can I”. The weeks turned into months and as time passed my walks got faster and faster till i gradually broke into a run, each time I would try to go faster and further – I began to feel alive!
It took me a total of 18 months to lose 3 stone 6 pounds. I was buzzing! I felt amazing!! There was no stopping me and I promised myself I would never let myself go again.
With my new found confidence i started going to Aerobic classes at the local YMCA – i loved them! Next step, teaching the classes myself – sharing my passion for fitness became my new buzz! Before long i was fully qualified in SPIN, STEP, AQUA-AEROBICS, SOCCERCISE, BOXERCISE and BODY PUMP which interestingly enough is how i got into Bodybuilding. My success in this sport from winning local events to earning my pro card as UKBFF Overall British Champion has enabled me to learn so much about nutrition and sculpting the body.
I’m not going to lie, it has been a long hard road to get where i am today but its all been worth the suffering and the reward of helping others and sharing in their journey be it fitness orientated or simply weight loss, watching them as they managed to achieve their goals has been rewarding on a much higher level than i ever imagined possible!
I am so grateful for all the memories and friendships i have made along the way. It all goes back to my mum giving me the little kick up the arse I needed and taking me to that weight loss club all those years ago.
I’d hate to imagine where I would be now if I hadn’t..